Tampa Bay Buccaneers
2008-07-25 Practice

T Luke Petitgout brought some comforts from home, including his own pillow

The Celebration Hotel will serve as the Buccaneers' home for the seventh straight summer

RB Michael Bennett arrived in some interesting head gear, calling it his "work hat"

CB Ronde Barber was one of the very first veterans to arrive on Friday

RB Warrick Dunn played five seasons with the Buccaneers but this was his first visit to the team's new camp home

LB Barrett Ruud pauses to drink in the scene at the start of his fourth Buc camp

Returning QB Brian Griese signed some autographs for fans who remembered him well

O-Linemen Chris Denman (left) and Dan Buenning were the first two players to arrive on Friday

LB Derrick Brooks greets each new training camp as another challenge

An army of camp assistants helped players get from their vehicles to their rooms

S Jermaine Phillips obliges the fans waiting outside the hotel for autographs