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Tampa Bay Buccaneers



(On if WR Sterling Shepard got a first down on the third-down attempt that was the final play of practice)

"I'm a defensive coach [laughs]. You weigh it all into consideration. In shorts and t-shirts, [it] could have [been] a sack, [it] could have [been] a first down. Depending on how I feel, I go a different way every day."

(On his assessment of where the team is at as mini-camp concludes)

"I thought we made good progress with the learning, especially on the offensive side of the ball. The communication picked up on defense. We've got a lot of young guys – they need a lot of reps. A lot of them took reps today and we're going to get a lot of reps. We're going to get a lot more once training camp starts, but I thought it ended on a good note."

(On if he leaves players with a message as they depart before training camp)

"Just the understanding of what we have ahead of us. We play both Super Bowl teams, we play everybody that was in the championship game, plus the division itself and some other teams. We're going to have a hell of a schedule. We know how hot it's going to be in summer, [so] it's really just coming back in shape, ready to compete. There's a lot of things that can happen between here and next month – don't be that guy getting in trouble."

(On what he's seen from the offensive line during mini-camp)

"Between the new guys and the new system, [there's] a lot of chemistry that has to go on there. I think 'Carbs' (Kevin Carberry) and [Brian] Picucci are doing a great job of getting those guys prepared and working with each other. You really see the talent once the pads come on – you can't tell too much in t-shirts and shorts, but they're working well together right now."

(On if he can tell how much C Graham Barton has learned of the offense)

"It's a heavy load, especially after playing tackle for three years and then going against a defense that does a lot of things. This will be a good baptism for him, as far as getting ready for the season. I think he's learned a lot, I think he's eager to get in pads and really show what he can do physically. He's a smart guy."

(On if he's pleased with how the draft picks have performed so far)

"It's one of the smarter draft classes, as far as catching onto the scheme, that we've had. That's got to continue in training camp. Between the heat, the system, and coming in pads, that's going to be a whole different world for them, too. I feel confident they can get that done."

(On how he envisions RBs Rachaad White and Bucky Irving working together)

"It's still early right now. We've got to get in pads. There's still more to determine. We'll get in pads and see who can do what as far as Bucky is concerned. Chase [Edmonds] is involved in that and a bunch of other [running] backs involved in that. He's a talented guy, he's smart, he's here early every day. I look forward to seeing what he can do so we can see where we can use him at."

(On the relationship with OLB Randy Gregory moving forward)

"We'll take it day by day. Right now, things are fine. Obviously, it's unexcused, so things will be taken care of that way. We'll get to training camp and go from there."

(On what he told the players at the end of practice)

"Just coming back in shape, really. It's going to be a lot hotter in the summer. It's going to be a lot hotter. Staying out of trouble is the big thing. We know the road we have ahead of us – we have a first-place schedule. That's what you get when you win divisions – you get first-place schedules and you embrace the challenge."

(On if he has any plans before training camp)

"Rehab, rehab, and rehab."

(On TE Tanner Taula not practicing today)

"Yeah, [he'll] be fine. [He'll] be fine."

(On DB Tykee Smith)

"Yeah, he came in… Very smart guy, very tough guy. [There are] similar things with what [the University of Georgia] did and what we do. He's a talented player. He can do a lot of things for us. I look for him to help us. That will be a battle, too."

(On players that have impressed him through mini-camp)

"I would say, obviously, [Ben] Bredeson from the [New York] Giants, he comes up. It's not a popular name, but he comes up. As well as [Sua Opeta]. Both guards come up. That's going to be a heck of a battle – I'm really looking forward to seeing that right there. [Tyrek] Funderburk comes up – he's a guy that's flashed out of pads. Everybody else, you're going to have to see. [Eric] Banks has come up – Banks has showed something that we're interested in seeing in pads. We're going to have to see."


(On how much he's learned the offense)

"I don't want to stand up here and say, 'I got it,' because there's a long way to go. We've only been here a couple of weeks. But, I definitely think the biggest thing is it's okay to make mistakes, but don't beat yourself up over making a mistake – just correct it, don't let it happen in a game. When you make it twice, that's when you get mad at yourself. I just think keeping my head above water and taking in as much as I can, just trying to listen to everyone. Understanding my position as a rookie, I just got here, I don't know anything. [I am] telling myself that and trying to soak everything in has kind of been my mindset. I feel like I've gained a lot of knowledge from the vets, the coaches, the meeting time, on the field. I feel like I've learned a ton and [I'm] excited to take these next couple weeks and sort of digest it and come back for training camp ready to roll."

(On how it's been getting acclimated to the offensive line room)

"I told this to somebody the other day, just how great the offensive line room as a whole has been. [It is] just a bunch of great guys in there. There's not a single bad apple, you know what I mean? Everyone is here, wants to be here, comes ready to work, [is] super welcoming and really embraced the rookies. I think it's been really fortunate to have an O-line room like that, so no matter who I'm out there playing with, it's been really awesome. I definitely have a lot of help from the vets and those guys."

(On the biggest adjustment in entering the NFL)

"I wouldn't say it's the biggest surprise, but the depth and the detail at the NFL level of what you're doing, how you're doing it, technique, fundamentals, tips and tricks, things like that… How much more there is to the game of football, I guess, that you didn't always understand in college. So, learning that has been the biggest leap, going through that."


(On what he's seen out of C Graham Barton)

"He comes to work every day, shows up, and tries to get better and everything. He's really intelligent, football-wise, and has great speed and agility off the ball. I'm liking a lot what I'm seeing from our rookies so far."

(On how the team is picking up the new offensive scheme)

"I think we're right where we want to be, but eons away from where we need to be, obviously. You guys saw it last year with learning a new offense – it does take time for it all to click and come together and everything. That just comes with having a new offense – it just takes time. I think we're at a good spot."

(On having a full season of playing right tackle under his belt and his level of confidence)

"Like I said, I'm just never satisfied. Last year was last year, obviously. It helps knowing that I can play at such a high level in the NFL, but I don't think I'm anywhere near my full potential. I'm just going to keep growing and growing as an offensive tackle in this league – that's what I'm looking forward to most. And, continuing to work with the guys, especially, and continuing to grow as an individual and as a football player."

(On working with new Offensive Line Coach Kevin Carberry)

"It's been good. Obviously, with every new coach, you kind of start to get a feel for them and everything. He's a great guy, a funny guy, and always comes to work and has something interesting to say every day. He pushes us hard in individual and team [practice] and everything. There's not a minute wasted with him."

(On where he'd like to improve his game)

"To be quite honest with you, all of them. In pass protection, [being] better with my hands and calming my eyes down and just focusing on where I want to lay my hands and everything. Footwork, as well, in the pass game. In the run game, playing with a little better pad level and just getting my hands fit a little better."


(On how he sees himself fitting into this offense and how much more there is to learn for him)

"There's always room for improvement [and] room to learn. I'm just leaning on these older guys to learn from them – Rachaad White, Chase [Edmonds] and [those] guys have been great leaders for me, helping me with the playbook and helping me with things I need to know. I've been leaning on those guys. I'm going to fit in wherever the coaches need me to play – I [don't] really necessarily have [a] role yet. I'm going to go with the flow until my number is called."

(On learning from Running Backs Coach Skip Peete)

"Coach [Peete] does a great job of teaching us the playbook, the installs in the meeting rooms, then we have to come out here and execute it at a high level. He does a great job of doing that. He doesn't tell you how to run, but he tells you where the runs are going to head at. He says, 'I'll teach you to the line of scrimmage, then your instincts have to kick in after that.'"

(On the biggest adjustment at the NFL level)

"I'd probably say the details and the intensity is way higher from college to the NFL. Guys take it a lot more seriously and even if it's a walk-through, we're going with speed. I'd pretty much just say the high intensity and the details."

(On how excited he is to be in pads once training camp starts)

"I'm always excited to put the pads on and play some football. I'll be up for the challenge."

(On how learning the new offensive system has been for him)

"I think it's slowing down for me a lot. When I first got out here, my mind was spinning because I didn't know what was going on. But, [I've been] pretty much just locking in every night, going over my plays, having the voice audio and hearing the plays, talking through what I've got and being able to come out here and execute it. I feel like it's slowing down a lot for me because I finally know what I'm doing, know the protections and things like that. If I just keep that up, I'll be in great hands."


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