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Tampa Bay Buccaneers



(On the status of OLB Randy Gregory)

"I'm just going to coach the guys that are here, like I said, as it goes on. We're fine with the guys we have here."

(On if he's talked to Gregory)

"I'm going to coach the guys that we have here and deal with that when we have to deal with it."

(On if there's an update on the health status of TE Ko Kieft and if he expects any players to miss the beginning of training camp)

"We'll see where he's at. He's recovering, but everybody else should be a go."

(On the health status of CB Jamel Dean)

"He'll be fine for training camp."

(On the play of CB Tyrek Funderburk)

"He's very intelligent. He's picking up the scheme very well. We want to see him in pads, but he's flashing enough to notice that you want to see him in pads."

(On how he thinks the team has done in practicing the new kickoff rules)

"We allocate an awful lot of time with it. Again, you can't tell in t-shirts and shorts – you've got to see what type of bodies you need on both sides of the football and see how the return game is going or whether you need to kick it in the endzone. That'll detail itself more in the preseason and we'll see what we want to do, but we're experimenting with everything."

(On the health status of WR Trey Palmer)

"Trey will be fine."

(On what he's noticed from QB Baker Mayfield as Mayfield has learned a new offense)

"There's a lot fewer mistakes and 'M.E.'s' (mental errors). He has a lot more audibles on his plate than he did in the past and he's getting them down very [well]. I thought they had a very good day today. I thought the chemistry and the connection with those guys and checking to the right plays was very good. I just look for that to continue."

(On the play of WR Jalen McMillan)

"He's intelligent. We drafted him pretty high. He can catch and he can run routes – we know that. We're in t-shirts and shorts right now. He's still picking up the system. He's got some odds and ends to learn, but I like his energy, I like his mental toughness, and I think he's going to help us."

(On who he's most intrigued to see in pads once training camp arrives)

"I don't know if it's guys for me. For me, it's really just the offensive system coming together as a whole and as a group – those guys getting on the same page, continuity-wise. Seeing the O-line work together is going to be really big for us and the communication on defense is going to be really big for us. As you stated earlier, the special teams with the kickoff and kickoff return. I'm more or less looking at that. The guys that are going to stand out will stand out when the pads come on and I'll see them then."

(On which offensive and defensive linemen he's excited to see once pads come on)

"Up front, consistency is more for me. I know Yaya [Diaby] can play, I know the D-line can play, I know the O-line can play. It's just understanding your assignment and hand placement and working with the guy next to [you] is really what I want to see. The chemistry has got to be there and they've got to trust the guys next to them. We've got to continue to build that when the pads come on. I think that'll lead to better play."

(On if he's excited to see OLB Markees Watts in pads)

"He flashed last year. Obviously, we know he's a pass rusher. Getting the system down will be big for him in the run game and the early-down stuff. We'll see. We know he can rush the passer, again. He has the versatility to do some things in certain packages, but he's got to be a very good [special] teams player, as well. He's talented, and we look forward to getting the pads on and seeing what he does this year."

(On what he's seen from DL Logan Hall and what are his expectations for him this year)

"He became a better pro last year – I thought he had a very good mental year. I think he's stronger. I think he got back there to the quarterback some – I don't think he finished the plays – he needs to finish the sacks when he gets them. He can help us more in the run game. He's taking on the blocks well and he's getting the [linebackers] free, but he can take on the blocks and make some plays himself and I think he's working on that."

(On CB Zyon McCollum leaving practice early)

"It was just hydration."

(On what will be the biggest learning curve for OLB Chris Braswell and how he likes the depth of the outside linebacker room)

"I feel good about the depth. Braswell, he's a very strong player. The system is similar with some things to Alabama, it's just the terminology is different. Once he gets comfortable with that, I think he's kind of like Yaya [Diaby] – he's a physical player. He'll show more when the pads come on. We just look for him to get some push back and get the system down. I think he'll make some plays for us as well."

(On what the 'next step' for NT Vita Vea looks like)

"Just consistency…He's started already – he came back in excellent shape, and that's part of it. Staying healthy is part of it. But, just consistency and being more disruptive in the things that he does and making the guys around him better. If he can continue to do that and stay on the field for 17 games, we'll be fine."


(On having his former Oklahoma teammate WR Sterling Shepard in the building)

"It's been great. Obviously…we're down on [wide] receivers and we needed some guys to come in and step up. He's a veteran guy that's going into year nine. He's had some injuries in the past, but he's looking for a fresh start and obviously I can relate to that part. Our scouting department knows everybody that's out there, it was just more so making sure. He was coming in here for a tryout and he handled the rest. I think in these last two days, him picking up this offense pretty quickly – and obviously, it's always a work in progress. He's a guy that's always got a smile on his face. He works his tail off and he brings a little juice when it comes to the mental side of things. He gets fired up. It's good to have him back. One of my longtime friends, so it's good to have him back."

(On Shepard's delayed response to Mayfield's latest text)

"It is what it is [laughs]. Obviously, I was just checking in with him. I didn't know they were going to pull the trigger on a tryout the next day, but like I said, once they got him in, he did the rest. He's a good enough player to make it here. Bringing in competition like that is always good for everybody. He knows he's got to handle his business just to make this team. We've got a good team and just having better skill groups is going to push everybody around him."

(On if he and Shepard have ever talked about playing together at some point)

"Any of your college teammates, it's always one of those things that you talk about that it would be so cool to play with each other in the league. But, obviously it took a little bit longer for us to get there, but I'm happy to have him now."

(On if he appreciates that the Buccaneers' front office took his input on Shepard)

"Like I mentioned, having some guys down I think helped that cause in having some openings. But, I talk to those guys frequently, especially during game weeks when we're doing scouting and all that, so having a good relationship with those guys so that we're all on the same page… Ultimately, they call those shots and my job is to play football and do it at a high level. So, just trusting them and they trust me on my opinion on what type of guy he is. They'll evaluate the talent."

(On WR Jalen McMillan)

"It's extremely similar to what I mentioned the first time I talked to you guys after having him here for OTAs: he's really friendly at the top of his routes, he attacks the ball, catches with his hands, he's explosive, he's a smooth route runner. Now, having him put it all together in the offense, get all these alerts, these cans, and I think, playing fast for him is really the next step of mastering this offense so he can use that physical talent that he has."

(On if this group of skill players is the most talented he's ever played with)

"Yeah, I mean, any time you get that much familiarity and chemistry with the same guys, you're going to get better, too. But, it also helps when they're that damn good as a skill group. For me, yeah, it's up there. But, talent can only take you so far. That's why we're working our tails off right now to get this thing down and get on the same page. But, yeah, it's definitely a great group to be surrounded by. The offensive line, too – having those same guys and some new additions. Right now, it's a really good feel of how everybody works and works together."

(On how he builds chemistry with the offensive line)

"The offensive line is always a herd mentality and as a quarterback, you want to be a part of that with them. They set the tone. That room, as a whole, always works really well together. It's very rare to have a guy in there that's disrupting that herd mentality. For those guys, the new guys step in, they kind of watch the veterans and the guys who have been here and kind of fall in line. It's been a great group and it's going to continue to be that way."

(On what he'll do between now and the beginning of training camp)

"I've always been a firm believer with this break to take a little bit of time off, get away from it a little bit, and obviously make sure you're still in shape but enjoying your time off. It is a long grind. Workouts, a couple of vacations sprinkled in here and there, and then just dialing it back down once it comes time closer to camp. Yeah, reviewing with those guys once we get back here. The biggest thing for anybody coming down here for training camp is how hot it is, so coming back, getting re-acclimated in this heat, working out outside, running outside… Yeah, it's taking a little time off and getting used to it again."

(On if he has any plans for his first Father's Day as a dad)

"I don't think so. Maybe a round of golf? Probably just watching golf on TV."

(On if he's well rested with the new baby)

"Yeah, she's sleeping through the night, so we're a happy family right now. We're enjoying that"

(On how his wife is doing)

"She's good. She's a rockstar. You have a different appreciation for moms now that you get to watch somebody that you're very close with get to go through it. She's a rockstar – I can't say enough about that."

(On the tight end room)

"Payne [Durham] has definitely taken that next step. The rookie year is a little bit hard, but he's definitely taken that next step of being way more accountable to himself. Cade is doing the same thing – setting the tone for those guys. Obviously, he's a really quiet guy so he does it in his own way, but he sets the tone. He takes as many reps as anybody out here, so it's always impressive. Devin [Culp] is watching those guys, too, and Tanner [Taula] is playing great right now, too. He's a guy that has a lot of physical traits. That's a good room. It's a young room, but it's a good room."

(On RB Rachaad White saying that this offense is tricky to learn)

"That's why we do this time right now. It is hard, but that's why you put stuff on tape, you learn from your mistakes and the good stuff. Like today and the last couple of days, being competitive with the defense. It's a lot of learning tape to go from there, but you can tell our guys are starting to figure it out and that's what you really want to have at this point of the offseason, to where you kind of master it a little bit. Then, you come back, start from scratch in training camp and re-install everything, to where guys have kind of a little knowledge of it and you go from there."

(On if C Graham Barton is a quick study)

"He is. I guess Duke's academic program is pretty good. Yeah [laughs]."

(On if his connection with TE Cade Otton grew towards the end of last season)

"Trust happens over time, for sure. Obviously, when you have guys like Mike [Evans] and Chris [Godwin] down the field, for me, it was taking what's there at the back half of the year – finding completions, getting the balls in their hands. I think I said it a thousand times last year, just finding completions, getting it in their hands and letting them do the rest. For Cade, we will have some plays drawn up for him, for sure, but on the plays that are drawn up for Mike and Chris, he's going to be a guy that's going to be left open and he's going to take advantage of those."

(On what makes WR Sterling Shepard a good teammate)

"'Shep' has always been a family man. He's an unbelievable guy, unbelievable teammate, in terms of his work ethic. Obviously, he's not the biggest guy but he works to be able to compete at this level. He's not a selfish guy – it's never been about him, it's always been about, whether it was Oklahoma football…Obviously, with his dad playing there, he was always a program guy. Then, in the NFL, it's about, 'How do you win?' He carries that same mentality and works his tail off to do it."

(On playing the Detroit Lions in Week 2)

"Obviously, it's a really good test for us. But, every season is different. Even when you look at last year, we squeaked into the playoffs and anything can happen after that. It's still a one-game-at-a-time mentality once you get to the year, but you know when you play those teams that are constantly good that you've got to be ready for that competition. Like I said, that Lions test early on is going to be good for us to see how quickly we're starting how quickly our guys are learning this offense and are ready to adjust on the fly."


(On if he still gets much out of mandatory mini-camps at this stage of his career)

"Oh yeah, for sure, I get a lot out of it. I get a feel for a lot of guys, a lot of new guys – we've got a lot of new, young guys here. I get a feel for who I'm going to be working with with the changes. Obviously I'm going to be working with K.J. [Britt] a lot, so I try to get a feel for what he likes and what he [doesn't] like. And, being in this defense, anything can pop up. Coach [Bowles] likes to tweak stuff around and stuff like that, so I'm just trying to get in and get a feel for that and get into training camp rolling."

(On working with LB K.J. Britt at the end of last season)

"K.J. is really passionate about the game of football and I just love to see that. He's always willing to get better. He loves picking my brain, he loves picking Coach [Bowles'] brain. That's something that I admire [seeing]. He's definitely ready to take on that challenge. Right now, he has the opportunity to take the 'MIKE' linebacker spot and so far, so good."

(On the decision to return to football or to retire)

"I just let my body calm down from a long season and was just seeing how I feel and seeing where I was at, mentally. Honestly, it didn't take long. I definitely knew I still loved the game of football, I still wanted to play, and I still feel like I'm playing at a high level. I still feel like I can compete with the best and, obviously, this organization feels the same way. It was a no-brainer for me to come back, and we'll see where we go from there. Obviously, us, being competitors, also played a part in it. I'm definitely looking forward to another great season."

(On playing with S Jordan Whitehead again)

"It's fun playing with guys like Jordan, knowing that you've got a guy who knows what he's supposed to do, knows where he's supposed to be, and will cover you when you want to be aggressive. It's definitely great to have him back. Everybody was kind of hurt that he didn't sign back those couple of years, but now he's back and now we're going to pick up where we left off when he was here. It's definitely going to be fun. With him and Antoine Winfield Jr. back there, All-Pro caliber players, that's what we need to have back there on the back end."

(On what he's most excited about in terms of this team)

"I'm just ready to see guys compete, man. Just being out here, guys are competing, guys are trash-talking. We're comfortable with each other, but still, that's something that I really like. It just goes to show that everybody is getting comfortable at doing what they're doing – defensively and offensively. That's just stuff that I love to see. Once gametime comes and we get to game-planning and stuff like that, it'll show on the field, hopefully. It's definitely fun to see guys out here having fun. Nobody is really like, 'Oh, we're out here practicing,' everybody is just out there practicing to get better and having fun. That's something I love to see."


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