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Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Take the Quiz! NFL Records

Test your NFL stats knowledge and learn some interesting facts along the way with a quiz that highlights the lesser-known little factoids of our favorite sport.

Every now and again I read a statistic on Twitter or or somewhere that piques my interest. I'll look it up to see for myself and compare it to some of my favorite players. This, more often than not, will lead me down a rabbit hole of obscure statistics that I doubt anyone has really cared to look for.

So imagine my excitement (and time spent wasted) when I came across this gem:

Pretty impressive.

A few websites and search parameters later, I found what I consider to be a pretty interesting little factoid. I excitedly walked down to Scott Smith's office, exclaimed "I've been having fun doing stats!" and presented my newest bit of trivia to him.

After a few guesses (including, eventually, the correct answer), he suggested that I come up with an article about the whole thing. So now we're here.

I've put together a 10-question quiz with answers that I don't think you can come up with using a simple Google search. Some of them are Buccaneers related. Some are not. Admittedly, it's a pretty impossible quiz, but you'll look like an All-Star rolling these out in your next NFL water cooler chat or when you're watching the games on Sunday.

Have some fun, share your results in the comments and maybe we can try to dig a little deeper next time if you all enjoy it. Good luck!


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