Photos of Buccaneer Cheerleader Jada.

Dear Bucs Fans & Family,
Boyz II Men hit it on the head when they sang "It's So Hard To Say Goodbye To Yesterday". It is one of the most bittersweet feelings having to say goodbye and leave Tampa Bay, the place I was born and raised, to pursue my career. Even so, I want to take time to thank you for these past two years. Thank you for the loyalty and energy I felt at every single home game in Raymond James Stadium; for the opportunities given to serve and be involved within our various communities; and for allowing me to be a part of a group of such genuine, kind-hearted, and talented women. I can honestly say that these have been the best two years of my life thus far.
Game days were always a highlight for me. This was the time that made all the long and hard practices so worth it. It was especially fulfilling to be able to wear the creamsicle orange my mother wore those twenty-odd years ago. I enjoyed every second on that field this season and last; soaking in the atmosphere, dancing on the sidelines with some of my best friends, and cheering on the Buccaneers alongside the most wonderful fans in the NFL. This is what I will truly miss most.
Even though I'll be going forth to work with the youth, it will never be the same as coming to a child as a Tampa Bay Buccaneers Cheerleader. Wearing that uniform can be like wearing a cape to some of the kids I've had the honor of interacting with. Something about the way their faces light up, and you see that joy sparkling through their eyes; it just warms your spirit, and you can't help but radiate the love and appreciation right back. Some of my fondest memories were: attending and performing at the Eat at Joe's event downtown, participating in Turkey Time with the O-Line and the Children's Gasparilla Parade, and visiting Buccaneer Academies for various occasions and celebrations.
The best photos of Tampa Bay Buccaneers Cheerleader Megan.

I am so thankful for this program and the personal growth it allowed me. I have an improved overall sense of confidence, and am much stronger physically, mentally, and emotionally. I have been pushed beyond what I thought I was ever capable of, and I want to thank my coach for that. Without her faith in my abilities, the support and love from my family and teammates, and all those behind the scenes that work tirelessly to make the Buccaneers organization what it is, I would not be in the place I am today.
Thank you Tampa Bay, for the lessons I've learned, and the memories I'll forever cherish. You can take the girl out of Tampa Bay, but you can't take the Bay out of the girl. It will forever be a Bucs life for me!
God Bless,