A mom is a pivotal person in your life. Somebody that you most likely will need if you want to become successful. Somebody to show you the way. Show you how to be a good human being. Show you how to work hard. Mom is everything.
Well, something like that, I guess.
To my mom, Heather Kilgore, you did everything for us. You paid all the bills, got us all the clothes – even though you were less fortunate. You made sure we had everything. The best of everything. It was great.
If I had to thank you for one thing…
I mean it's not just one thing. But thank you for just raising us. You had us so young. Just raising me, my sister, my brother and doing it the way you did. You did it on one job, but you made it work. You made sure we had the best Christmases, the best birthdays. You just going out your way to make sure we had the best stuff, I don't know, man. We were poor.
But I didn't feel poor.
As your son, now I get to be the one to take care of you after you took care of us.
Thank you for everything.
And to my wife, Ashli.
Aw, man. You're handling this mom thing great. You're flourishing. You're everything I thought you would be as a mom and you do everything just above and beyond for our children.
Shit, everything.
From making sure the kids are always fed, always clean, you do everything for us – for the whole house. I don't know how you do it.
You get up early and take care of our baby, Amari. Then you go get Ariah's food together. Then like, everything else.
You do everything.
You're also my partner in crime, my best friend, my other half. The love of my life.
You're someone I can always count on and talk to about anything. I wouldn't want anyone else beside me during this journey called life.
And what a woman can do? It's wild. Bringing a child into this world. Seeing it happen is just, well, ok, for me, ah, it was a lot. Ha. Let's just say that. Women are definitely the stronger gender, for sure.
Ash, you are my everything.
To moms everywhere right now, during this uncertain time where you're taking on more and more every day…
Keep doin' your thing because it'll help your kids be successful in life one day. Like all the little things you do for them now, showing them the right way, how to be a parent and taking care of your kids and just trying to raise good human beings so they can raise good human beings. Just keep doin' it.
You mean everything to us.
Happy Mother's Day.