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Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Classes Offer Cheerleading Hopefuls a Leg Up

Open call to audition for the 2011 Tampa Bay Buccaneers Cheerleaders has been set for May 1, but those considering trying out can get a head start through a series of pre-audition classes beginning Monday, March 14


Be Prepared.

The Boy Scouts may lay claim to that motto but it's good advice for anyone facing any sort of job interview or performance evaluation.  As Henry Ford said, "Before everything else, getting ready is the secret to success."

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers Cheerleaders will hold open call to begin the audition process for the 2011 squad on Sunday, May 1, followed by the extended callback phase.  However, those who wish to throw their pom pons into the ring can improve their chances by following the advice of Henry Ford and the Boy Scouts.  This year, the Buccaneers are making it easier than ever before for cheerleading hopefuls to be prepared when they show up for auditions.

Beginning next Monday, March 14, the Buccaneers will offer a series of voluntary pre-audition classes.  These dance and technique lessons are designed to help cheerleading candidates prepare for the upcoming audition process.  Class attendees will be given an overview of dance techniques and NFL-style choreography so they will have a better idea of what to expect when auditions begin.

A total of 12 pre-audition classes are available at three locations (Riverview/Brandon, Westchase and South Tampa) and covering a dozen different dates.  Prospective auditioners may attend as many classes as they wish.  For a complete list of dates and locations, and to pre-register through, please click here.

Since class space is limited, pre-registration is strongly recommended.  Walk-up registration will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

The Buccaneers will also conduct a one-time only, non-mandatory Audition Seminar on Saturday, April 16, at team headquarters from noon to 2:00 p.m.  This seminar will include need-to-know tips about the audition process, on such specific topics as audition attire, interview tips and hair and make-up suggestions.  Attendees will be given an information packet and will have an opportunity ask questions with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers Cheerleading department and alumni of past squads.

Those interested in the Audition Seminar may register on-line on the same page mentioned above.  For more information on the audition process as a whole, including dates and times for callbacks, training camp and the final audition, please click here.  At the bottom of this page you will find a link to a list of frequently asked questions.

The pre-audition classes and audition seminar are meant to help talented potential Buccaneers Cheerleaders feel and perform their best when the auditions arrive.  Each class will feature different choreography and each provides an outstanding opportunity for an auditioner to get a head start on the upcoming tryouts.

"It can be a real advantage," said Cathy Boyd, the Buccaneers' Cheerleading & Mascot Manager. "We teach a lot of our specific choreography and give them an idea of the style of performance we do.  We can also answer any questions they may have and generally take a lot of mystery out of the process. They will go to the auditions knowing what's expected. It should be very helpful, especially if you don't have a background in dance."

At the very least, class attendees will be prepared for what they find at the auditions in May, and as Ford said, that's the key to success.

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