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Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Buccaneer Quotes, Oct. 2

Head Coach Greg Schiano

(On the absence of some of the starting players)

"We had some different goals for different guys, so we had some things going on inside, in the strength and conditioning area and in the rehab area. We also had some things going on out on the practice field and then, eventually, most guys were out on the practice field."

(On if quarterback Josh Freeman was out on the practice field)

"Oh, yeah."

(On tight end Tom Crabtree's return from injury)

"He's coming along, slower than we'd all like but he's getting better."

(On what he's looking to do with the receiving core)

"We're looking for 'Ti' [wide receiver Tiquan Underwood] to come in and play at a high level that we've seen him play at, we need him to do that. [Wide receiver] Chris Owusu, we've moved up to the active roster and we're looking for him to play well. With [wide receiver] Eric Page and [wide receiver] Russell Shepard there as well, we need all the guys to bring their game and add to [wide receivers] Vincent Jackson and Mike Williams."

(On if Underwood and Owusu are competing at the slot receiver position)

"I think we're just going to figure out who, in what package, gives us the best chance to move the football and we'll just kind of do it that way. I can't tell you right now exactly who that will be. [We'll] probably wait. The first outing that we have with those guys - probably won't tell you until the game, but after that we'll be able to see it."

(On what he's hoping will happen for the team during the bye week)

"I think where our bye falls, it falls at a pretty good time. We started training camp in late July, we're at the beginning of October, it's a good stretch of time that we've been working just about every day. The guys get a little four-day break here and I want them – I told them 'You need to get away, get away from the grind of football and enjoy yourself, come back hopefully feeling refreshed and ready to go.' We've got a real competitive Philly team that we're going to be playing. They do some things differently that we better be on our game [for] or it will be tough."

(On is this bye week a good break for the coaching staff)

"We're going to take advantage of some time where there aren't players around and do some more self-study and some preparation for Philadelphia. But the [coaches] will get some time away, I want to make sure they recharge as well."

(On achieving balance in the offense)

"I definitely think you have to loosen people up with the pass game, if you can't throw the ball it's awfully hard. Any time a defense can make an offense one dimensional, whichever way it is, then it certainly tilts the field in favor of the defense, so we have to remain a flexible offense that can run and pass. There are certain runs that you don't worry as much about the eight-man box because the eighth man can't be a factor. There are other runs that you can't run. You're running uphill, you're running into numbers. Everything is kind of by play, but you do need to throw the football effectively to get them to respect the throw and back a guy out or at least be not quite as aggressive when they drop him down."

(On quarterback Mike Glennon's ability to throw the deep ball and open up the offense)

"I think it will be good. I think his ability to throw the ball – he threw some really good intermediate routes. The deep routes [were] a combination of things. One, I think we need to throw them better and two, [Arizona Cardinals cornerback] Patrick Peterson was deep on some of them and you've got to be careful you don't get too cute there. We need to keep improving there and we will. Again,  [with] more opportunities with the guys that he's throwing to, it's just going to get better and better."

(On Glennon getting extra time to prepare during the bye week)

"I actually said that it would be a benefit, but wasn't really one of the reasons we made the change when we did. I do think it's a benefit because you have a game tape to watch and then you've done it and you've played 60 plays and now you go back and it just makes more sense to you when you get out there again in practice after you've been in. You say, 'Well, preseason,' no matter what, preseason isn't the same. They're similar, they're alike but it's a different intensity in the regular season. I think it's good that he had that experience under his belt. I think you learn, like any of us. I think it gives him a different perspective each time he goes out there."

(On what impresses him the most about the defense this year)

"We're getting pressure on the quarterback, which is critical. We probably haven't been quite as effective at stopping the run as we were a year ago but I think we're in the ball park, we just need to do a few things better. And then the biggest thing, there haven't been deep balls flying over our head. When you can avoid that, you give yourself a chance to win every game. We need to keep that up and keep taking the ball away and putting pressure on the quarterback."

(On who will be the third safety)

"We're going to have to wait and see that's not determined yet. "

(On if the team has a negative mentality at the end of games)

"I don't think, but I guess you have to ask the individual player. I don't think that, not the level of competitor these guys are. I think it's kind of like the other way, 'How in the heck did that happen? That can't happen to us.'"

(On how he thinks running backs Mike James and Jeff Demps can help Doug Martin)

"We're going to make sure Doug – Doug is our guy, so we're going to make sure Doug gets his touches. How their touches affect his as far as loosening things up, that is yet to be determined, we'll have to see. I'm not sure I can give you an accurate answer on that."

(On if completing more deep passes is the key to improving the offense)

"I don't think that's the only thing, but I don't think it's too simplistic either. I think we have to throw the ball deep down the field. Intermediate routes are one thing, but we have to throw the ball effectively down the field. Everyone does, we're not the only ones that have to. Teams that have played us, have not thrown the ball deep down the field and I think that's why we've held people to –  not as low as we'd like – but a lower scoring total. When you throw the ball down the field effectively, you have a chance to score points. The old saying is 'You cover a lot of bad plays' as that ball goes over the top of that field, you cover a lot of possibilities for bad plays when he catches it."

(On if new rules have eliminated some of the risk in the deep passing game)

"What you're referring to is the DPI [defensive pass interference] factor and the DPI at the point of the foul. If you throw the deep ball and get a DPI, you can't advance the ball. That's the only downside compared to the catch, but still a big chunk so there's no doubt. We haven't done it as well as we would like to and as well as we have in the past and that's something that we are focused on, among a lot of things but that's one thing."

(On if the offensive line has performed up to expectations)

"At times they've resembled what I think they're going to be and at other times, no. I think this is a good – you've got to remember, I know you already know this but [guard] Davin [Joseph], 25 snaps [in the preseason], [guard] Carl [Nicks], none, I think we've got to give them – I want it to be now too, trust me, but we need to give them a little chance to get a cohesiveness. The first time they played together was when Carl played his first start. It's got to happen sooner than later, but I'm not naïve to the fact that they also need – They're not plug and play, you've got to get yourself into the groove and hopefully that's coming really fast."

(On the speed Demps and Owusu will allow the team to stretch the field)

"They're two guys that can run that's for sure. Speed is a great asset to have on your football team. With Chris Owusu and Jeff Demps being activated in the last two weeks, we definitely became a faster football team. How that speed affects our offense, we're going to have to wait and see. But it's nice to have it, as a coach it's nice to have that kind of speed."

QB Mike Glennon

(On what he learned from his first start)

"I think there's a lot to learn – the good, the bad. There's some plays I would like to have back, but at the same time there's some good things and really now we've moved forward from that. We've learned from it. We're going to take advantage of this bye week and then it's time to get ready for our next opponent in Philadelphia."

(On what he'll continue to work on moving forward)

"There's just little subtle things that I think overall – try to get better at little mechanical things, just continue to grow as a player, get more and more comfortable out there. I don't know if I can pinpoint one exact thing, there's just a lot of little details I would like to get better at."

(On if game preparation is more important than mechanics at this level)

"I think that's a lot of it. I can still remember that I was told a long time ago that the hardest thing to do in sports is win an NFL game, and I think there's so much [to it]. They have great coaches, they have great players too, so every day you never know who's going to win. I think the preparation is a huge part of that, but I feel like we've prepared really well, watched a lot of film. But yes, I think it's probably more about getting mentally prepared, but the little mechanical things can help as well."

(On if he felt the Arizona Cardinals tried to bait him into throws)

"Not really, I think they had their game plan and they did a good job executing their plan, but I don't know if they were really trying to bait me into much. I was able to see a lot of what they were doing and I recognized their coverages and their disguises based off the film we watched and what the coaches had told me."

(On if completing more passes down the field will help the running game)

"I think we will. At the same time, we want to get completions, and if something underneath is there I'm going to take it, if it's not there down the field. Yeah, as we continue to evolve, hopefully we'll get some deep passes down there and that will help our running game out."

(On the difference in game speed between the preseason and regular season)

"Everyone had told me so much about how much the speed is going to be faster than even preseason, so really I thought the guys upfront – when there's not a tremendous pass rush, that's when things slow down. When there's guys right in your face, that's when the chaos is. I think the guys upfront did a good job of keeping them away from me. I was comfortable with the speed, I felt comfortable back there in the pocket and I was able to see things down the field and understand, just see everything and not feel uncomfortable."

(On if the team has looked at him differently since he's been named the starter)

"I think there's always a little more something to it. I don't know what it is, but when you're the starting quarterback you're looked at differently. I think that's expected, that they're looking for you to be the guy. Everything the quarterback does is always being watched, but when you're the starting guy its even amped up even more. I'm aware of that and it's something that I like and expect."

(On his comfort commanding a huddle full of veteran players)

"I feel comfortable; those guys have done a really good job making me feel comfortable. They've been extremely complimentary and encouraging, they know that the quarterback is in control of the huddle and those guys have all eyes on me when I walk in. They've really just done a really good job of kind of making me feel like I belong out there and that I'm in charge."

(On if there's an advantage to having a bye or if he would rather play this Sunday)

"I think a little bit of both, but I think there is a part of an advantage to it, just getting an extra week to get prepared. Last week at this time, I didn't really know what it was like to play in a NFL game and now I do, so I have an extra week to kind of mentally prepare for the next one and get ready for the Eagles."

(On if he's bonded with his teammates even more since being named the starter)

"I think the tough times kind of bring everyone closer and we're all in this together; so there's kind of going to have to be a closer bond between everybody. I think all the guys are really supporting one another and I don't think our heads are down. We're looking forward and we're going to push on."

(On wide receivers Chris Owusu and Tiquan Underwood, who he played with in training camp)

"I did, both those guys are really talented. Tiquan obviously has been around the league for a little while and made a lot of plays and it's great to have him back. Chris Owusu, in the preseason he was hurt, but in practice we saw what he was capable of doing and before he got hurt he was doing a lot of special things. To have both of those guys I think will help us."

(On if he's been recognized more around Tampa Bay since becoming the starter)

"I haven't really gone out; I've grabbed dinner a few times. I don't really feel any more noticed other than I'm tall and stick out no matter what. I'm much more noticed back in North Carolina than I am here. We'll see, maybe it will change."

(On his plans for the bye week)

"I'm just staying here, hanging out, will come in and get some extra work in and get prepared for next week."

(On his interaction with quarterback Josh Freeman)

"Josh has been great. He's been so supportive, he's been nothing but a great teammate to me and I really respect him for that. I can't say what he's going through, but I imagine it's a tough time, because it would be for me, but he's been a great teammate, always been there for me and his attitude towards me has not changed."

(On advice he's received from Freeman)

"He just said after the game [that] it's a long journey. It's one game and for a whole career, just learn from it and keep your head up and it's just going to be a long journey."

G Davin Joseph

(On the timing of the bye week)

"It comes at a good time. We need it right now. [We've got] a couple guys banged up. [It's] a good time to kind of sit back and reflect on what we've done so far and find ways to get better."

(On where the offensive line can improve)

"We've just got to finish better – I think that's the number one thing. If you look from left tackle to right tackle, we've all got to finish better. Certainly plays we run really well, some plays we need to improve on. It's just working on certain techniques, next week – with our bonus day – working on those techniques and really make it a focal point."

(On the season so far)

"[There are] a lot of positives in the last month. I think we're going in the right direction. [Head] Coach [Greg Schiano], I really think, stepped it up a lot. You see him really challenging himself, challenging the players, and you really see some of the leaders around here really stepping up and leading, because it's easy to just tank it right now and say, 'We're 0-4, we're not going to make the playoffs, there's not much to play for.' But I think we have the right kind of guys here."

(On if the offensive line has performed up to expectations)

"We have a very high standard, so no, we haven't. I think we have some things to work on, and until you're able to string them together, you're really not that good. We're good but just not good enough."

(On if the Freeman situation has made things uncomfortable)

"No. It's going to be uncomfortable if there's a point when he's no longer here. You see 'Tampa Bay' and 'Josh Freeman,' it's just like 'rice and beans' almost, so it's going to be weird if there comes a day when Josh Freeman is no longer here."

(On how he thinks Freeman feels about everything that has happened)

"I don't know. That's a good question. I think we'll really see in the next coming weeks, days, months, and see how he really handles it and how he uses his time. I think he can use his time to really benefit his career."

T Donald Penn

(On the timing of the bye week)

"It's a great time because we're 0-4. We got to sit back this week, we got to watch a lot of stuff. We went through all our run plays throughout the whole year. We went through almost all our pass protections throughout the whole year. We got to see the things we were doing well. We got to see the things we were doing badly. We got to see the things we need to get better at. It was great, especially when you're 0-4 right now and you're lost three close games. It was very good. You couldn't plan it out any better."

(On needing to improve)

"At the end of the day, even if it wasn't a bye week, we've got to get better. We're 0-4. We've got to start doing some things better. We've got to play as close to perfect as possible, if not perfect. We've got to put it together for four quarters and put it together for the whole game. We've got to finish."

(On the team's outlook going into the bye)

"A lot of people don't have faith in us, but, in this locker room, we have faith in ourselves. There's a lot of talent here. There's a lot of good things we've done and a lot of stuff we've done to hurt ourselves that we know that we can fix and change, and it can change like 'that' [snaps fingers]. Hopefully, this week, we'll get all that stuff fixed."

WR Tiquan Underwood

(On being back with the team)

"I'm happy to be back here playing football again, and I'm going to just try to pick up where I left off."

(On what he has been doing)

"I was in California, staying in Long Beach, working out in Anaheim at a place called Stars. We were working out – football drills, weight room – but nothing is comparable to actually playing football, especially in this humidity; California and Florida, the weather's so different. It's going to take some getting used to, but I'm glad I'm back."

(On building chemistry with quarterback Mike Glennon)

"The bye week starts today, but I'm going to stay an extra day, for sure, [to] throw with Mike Glennon tomorrow, try to get the chemistry going. Since I've been gone, there's been a change, obviously, but as a football player, no matter who's throwing it to you, it's your job to catch it, so that's what I'm going to try to do."

(On familiarity with Glennon from the preseason) "When my reps came, he was the quarterback that was in, so I am pretty much comfortable with him and now that I'm back, I see that he's more comfortable with the offense, taking command of the huddle. It's a neat thing to see, a young rookie like that taking control of his role and running with the opportunity."

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