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Tampa Bay Buccaneers

10-14-2007 - Post Game Quotes

Head Coach Jon Gruden

Opening statement) "I'd just like to tell you that I am very proud of our team. We beat a very good football team today. Any way we can win, we'll take it. Even though it got a little dramatic there today, we're very pleased with the victory. I think our team showed a lot today; we have several key guys out. For Tennessee to go out there and score with their back-up quarterback and overcome the third-and-long situations that they were in is a credit to them. Jeff Garcia was superb in the last minute of the game and a credit to Matt Bryant for a clutch kick."

(On Alex Smith's injury) "We are giving him x-rays and until we get the results we won't know. It is an ankle [injury] and we won't know the extent of it until we know the results."

(On the resiliency of the team with all of the injuries) "Sometimes it's been hard to swallow. The last couple of days, with Carnell Williams and Michael Pittman and Luke Petitgout and Brian Kelly amongst some other guys. Barrett Ruud [and] Ike Hilliard, two guys who weren't feeling real good today stepped up and had big games. We have some pro football players in our locker room who are giving us everything they have. I know you see it, I know our fans see it. We have some young guys that are learning some valuable lessons from some great veteran football players. That's exciting. We've got a long way to go, but that was a huge win for us today."

(On Jeff Garcia) "Well we knew it was going to be very difficult to run the football. Forget about our injuries and whatnot, we knew it was going to be a very hard day at the office running the ball. Obviously we tried to put Jeff in some situations where he could make some plays for us and he did. He did. Donald Penn held his own, he had [Kyle] Vanden Bosch. He is a great player. But Jeff Garcia never gets rattled, all he needs is one more shot and if you give him one more shot, he's capable of going in and that's what he did today. It's a credit to Jeff and what he's brought to our football team. I can't even tell you how valuable he is."

(On Ike Hilliard's awareness to run out of bounds) "It goes back to training camp when we answered all those questions about what is Ike Hilliard going to do and does he have a role. He is a heck of a football player. He understands the game, he's a complete football player from the neck up. People tend to forget sometimes he was a first-round draft choice. He has a lot of talent and he's been very productive for a long time. I know Jeff feels very comfortable with him and Ike Hilliard is a specialist in those kinds of situations and that's one of the reasons why we throw to him."

K Matt Bryant

(On game-winning kick) "It's just my job to go out there and make a kick at any point and time. Whenever they call me, just go out there and do my job."

(On Garcia's role in winning drive) "He is a veteran. He's been in these spots before, and he's able to get us down in the field goal range and get the win for the team. It was a great job overall by everybody. It took everybody to beat a team like that, and we got the job done."

(On winning kick) "Just like practice: just go out there and [get a] good snap, good hold, good kick, good protection by the line. Obviously it took the offense to get down in that position to make the kick. You're expected to make that and you just have to go out there and do it."

CB Phillip Buchanon

(On his interception) "It definitely feels good to get a pick for the team, to help the team. When I look back, it was a flashing play. I was on the run a little bit and I saw Vince [Young] drop back, and I saw him throw it. I tried to make an adjustment on the ball, and I turned back over, I saw it, and I caught the ball."

(On if he felt that he was in bounds when he caught the ball) "Personally, I felt like I had it. That's why I didn't alter the way I caught the ball. I felt like I was in, but I guess the [camera] angles were showing that it was kind of close."

(On the defensive effort) "We just talk about hitting, covering and playing hard. We were actually kind of sluggish a little bit to start the game off. Hopefully we could start fast, a little better and make some progress for next week. We have to think about Detroit."

QB Jeff Garcia

(On the final drive) "It was gut-check time. Not giving up, finding a way to persevere. Third-and-ten situation, not an easy situation against a good football team, a good defense like Tennessee has, but finding a way to create time in the pocket and Ike Hilliard doing a great job of getting to an open spot, giving him a chance to make a play. Then everybody being on the same page when we followed that play up with the next set of plays. Just doing a great job protection wise up front, giving me time to see the field and move around and receivers just working with me; staying alive, staying available, knowing I'll buy time, I'll create time for them to continue to work. Joey [Galloway] making a clutch catch, Ike making another catch and getting out of bounds at the end there. Just giving ourselves a chance to put Matt Bryant in position to kick the winner."

(On if there is a heightened sense for him in the two-minute drill) "It seemed like today, things didn't come easy. We had to scratch and claw your way for every yard that you were able to gain. You just never know what you are going to get in those situations. We felt like we would obviously see zone coverages, much like they were playing pretty much all game long against us. I really try to put the pressure on the defense in that sort of situation. We were tied up, so the main thing for me was not to force a throw or make a poor decision and give them a chance to create a turnover. The first two incompletions obviously didn't take any time off the clock, so that was a critical third down because we would have punted and given them time to work with the clock. I really tried to just to stay within myself, understand what we have going on as an offense, understand what they are going to be doing defensively and just try to allow guys to work and give them an opportunity to make plays and that's what happened."

(On the third-down completion to WR Ike Hilliard on the last drive) "He was really the third receiver in the progression in that sort of situation. I was working the two-receiver side, with Joey [Galloway] and Michael Clayton, with just my vision and what I was seeing I didn't feel like that was real positive over there. Ike was working basically over the ball, between 10 and 15 yards, so I knew I had him as a potential outlet if I were able to create a little space, buy a little time and allow him to work around the linebackers."

(On his ability to buy time in the pocket) "When I was young, my Dad put me out in the pasture to avoid the steers [laughing], to bob and weave. It's just one of those things. I have played this game a long time and I don't really know how that sensory comes in to play. I just think through experience, knowledge, understanding and awareness, it's really just a feel I am fortunate to have. I can't say there is any way you can necessarily prepare for it. I think there are probably times when I am a little bit too quick and that's something I can continue to work on. But more so than anything else, it's just a feel. It's something that I have developed over the years of playing the game. There is a natural clock ticking in my head at all times and just understanding what we are trying to do an understanding what our route concepts are and protection schemes and just trying to make plays."

RB Earnest Graham

(On surprise pitch from Garcia) "That could've changed the game but luckily I held on to it. We had a late snap there, and I took off and he still pitched it. My eyes got big. Luckily, I was able to make the catch."

(On the fake of CB Nick Harper in the first quarter) "I've been doing that for awhile. I don't know if people know I have that in me. I was happy about that play."

DT Jovan Haye

(On the Titans' tying drive) "They just made plays. They made some real good plays."

(On the winning drive) "Our offense ran the two-minute to perfection. We know we had a minute plus, so we just had to get the ball down and put it in position for Matt Bryant to win the game and they did a great job."

(On the confidence of the team right now) "It's real high. Real high. Four and two sounds a lot better than three and three. But we know how good we are, we know how good we can be, we know we still have a lot of things to work on, but we'll enjoy the win today."

(On being able to control QB Vince Young) "It was very crucial. We know what type of player Vince Young is, if he gets loose. We think for the most part we did a good job of containing him. That's what we wanted to do all week. We didn't want him to beat us with his legs."

WR Ike Hilliard

(On his catch and run on the final drive of the game) "It's a credit to Jeff [Garcia]. He had the opportunity to find me because the offensive line gave him enough time. I was just trying to make a play. I got a couple great blocks, I don't remember who it was, it was just a flash of color. I just wanted to preserve the time out that we did have in case we needed it, and I was fortunate enough to get out of bounds."

(On being 3-0 at home) "You want to protect home field first and foremost. I think we just have to continue to work and build. We lost a tough game last week, and we wanted to come out knowing that it was not going be pretty and complete the way we wanted, but just get a solid win at home and continue to try and get better, and that's what we did."

(On QB Jeff Garcia) "I've been watching Jeff for years. He's an ageless wonder. He's been playing a ton of football all his life. I'm not amazed at all, it's what we expect."

(On the two minute drill at the end of the game) "I don't think it was our first real two minute drill. I think it's one of those areas we've been pretty efficient in all. Whether it's at the end of the half or the end of the game, it's even bigger at the end of the game because you're trying to get yourself in a position to win. Like I said, it's something we've been pretty good at. We have a good quarterback that can control the situation. I'm just fortunate enough to make the plays when we needed to make them."

WR Joey Galloway

(On the victory) "It feels pretty good to get a win, at home, versus a tough team. We knew it was going to be tough. We knew they were a pretty talented team, and they gave us every bit of everything we wanted today."

(On WR Ike Hilliard's play on the final drive of the game) "I was running downfield, so by the time I turned around, Ike had the ball. He has a knack for making those kind of plays. That's his specialty, and today he came up big for us."

(On the final drive of the game) "We felt pretty good coming onto the field. That's our first time this season that we had to have a two-minute drive at the end of the game to go down and win one. It's good that things worked out, that guys did their job. We always expect Jeff to lead the offense and he did that today, and we got close enough for a field goal."

(On what Jeff Garcia brought to the team) "He's been a great leader. I think you can tell that about Jeff. The minute you meet him, the minute you have a chance to get in the huddle with Jeff you can tell he's a great leader. He does that every single day in practice and definitely on gameday."

(On his touchdown reception) "I'm the first read on the route. It's a play down the middle of the field. The safeties are what we're hunting there. If we can beat the safeties and we throw [the ball] pretty well, he [Jeff] made a nice throw and we got in the endzone."

(On the confidence level of the team) "We feel good that we won today. We will go and correct our mistakes tomorrow and get ready for Detroit."


Head Coach Jeff Fisher

(Opening statement) "Let me first start off, I will give you an update on Vince [Young]. He has a quad strain. We will evaluate it, and we will continue to evaluate. He tried to stay [as] loose as he could in case we had an issue with Kerry [Collins]. At this point he will just be day-to-day. It was not something that he could have played and played effectively with. He did it before he got out of bounds. He strained it on that one scramble. As far as the game is concerned, we knew we were going to play a good football team, a very good defensive team. Our plan going into this week was not to give up the big plays, and we gave up two big plays; Jeff [Garcia] made them. You have to take your hat off to Jeff. That was a great effort staying in there. Every time I looked, he was on the ground. He kept getting up, and he did what we hoped he wouldn't do and that was find a way to make a play. I thought both defenses played well. We had a chance. We got back, tied it up [and] we had a chance. Then [Jeff] found the receivers using his legs and they made the kick, so we move on."

(On the defense during the last drive of the game) "You have to make a play, but Jeff got off schedule, and when quarterbacks get off schedule they are going to make plays, and he did. He made plays at the right part of the game. I thought the defense played well; they are consistent, and they are playing hard. We gave turnovers that obviously contributed to the difference."

(On QB Kerry Collins) "Kerry is here just to do that. Kerry put a touchdown drive together and converted some tough down distance situations and got the ball in the endzone for us. That is what he is here for."

LB Keith Bulluck

*(On the Buccaneer offense) * "They made a big play down the field to score seven with [Joey] Galloway. They made a play. Other than that, they didn't really do too much to hurt us. In the last little two-minute drive, Garcia did a great job of using his feet, getting out of the pocket, and breaking down our coverage a little bit because of his scrambling ability."

(On what he takes away from the game) "We shouldn't let teams who we are supposed to beat, beat us."

QB Kerry Collins

(On the game-tying drive) "I thought we made some plays to get back in the ball game and unfortunately we came up a little bit short. But we kept fighting and made some big plays and kept the drives going, and converted some big third downs that allowed us to stay in the game. But it didn't work out today."

(On entering the game after QB Vince Young was injured) "I was calm. I tried to lean on the experience that I have. I prepared well this week and I try to prepare well every week just in case. I was just happy I got the call today when Vince when down. I just tried to go out and execute the offense. And unfortunately, like I said, we just came up a little bit short."

(On if he knew that he would finish the game) "Yes I did. After the first series I talked to the trainers and they pretty much told me he was down for the rest of the game. So I was excited to play, but that's tempered right now by the fact that we lost."

WR Eric Moulds

(On the game) "They just played a lot better than we did today. We came back and put ourselves in a position to win the game and we came back and Jeff Garcia took his team and put them in a position to kick the field goal to get the win. It's one of those games that was not a high scoring game, but it was one of those gut it out, physical games, and you would like to win those games. You would like to take some positives from the game, but when you lose it's hard to take those positives."

(On QB Kerry Collins coming in and tying the game) "We've got a lot of confidence in Kerry so I felt that when he came in, he was going to come in and throw the ball and make some plays. We turned the ball over a couple of times but those are things we can correct. At the same time, like I said, it's hard to take those positives when you lose."

(On the injury to QB Vince Young) "When you have an athlete like that, everybody has to go in their mind and say we have to pick it up because he creates a lot of stress on defense just by being able to run and throw the football. They are going to play a little bit differently when Kerry is in there, they play a bit more cover two and try to keep everything in front of them. When Vince is there, they try to really keep someone as a spy and make sure he doesn't run. Vince gives you more opportunities to get one-on-one downfield and I think they understand that Kerry is not going to run that much, so they are going to play the cover two and try make him take long drives down the field."

RB LenDale White

(On tying the game) "When we settled in and when we move the ball, we're a good team. Little things, the mistakes, the penalties, special teams gave us some bad field position. When we get the ball we have to hold onto it and make plays."

(On his tough running) "This is football, that's what it is. There aren't always going to be those games where you bust it for 60 yards. When we had to run the ball, we ran it. When we had to tie the game up, we tied it up. Things didn't go our way today, we had turnovers, we held the defense out there too long on some drives and we just have to make plays. When we were down in the redzone, we have to convert. We can't have any turnovers, three or seven, we can't get zero."

(On momentum shifting after the touchdown) "We had confidence that our defense could go out there and get the job done, but you have to give it up to Tampa Bay. Garcia is not a scrub. Joey Galloway and those guys, they're not bad for football players, they get paid to make plays like we do. They happened to come out on top today."

(On QB Vince Young's injury) "You don't like losing a guy like that. You don't like losing any guy on the team. When Ahmard [Hall], our fullback went down, it was hard. When Chris Brown went down, it was hard. When Vince goes down, it's hard. These are all playmakers on our team. We need everybody we can to make those plays and win football games."

(On when QB Kerry Collins came into the game) "Kerry is a vet. You all forget what Kerry has done in his career. We would not have re-signed him if we didn't think he could get the job done. We know that if Vince goes down, Kerry can step in and get the job done, and he proved it today. Some big plays when it was third and 12, third and 11, he sat in the pocket and zipped the ball in there and he got the job done."

WR Roydell Williams

(On the Buccaneers defense) "They played well today, but they didn't do anything that we didn't expect. We came into the game knowing that they had a really good defense. We had a game plan ready for them, we just have to execute better."

(On building for next week) "We just have to finish drives. It was basically a game of field position. We drove the ball well, but we never got it in the endzone until the end of the game. I think if we just work on finishing drives it will be alright."

QB Vince Young

(On how he was injured) "Running."

(On if he could have returned) "I don't know. I just wanted to be cautious because every time I tried to bend my knee it was like a little sharp pain. I didn't really want to go back out there and try to do anything to make it even worse."

(On how tough it was to have to watch with the game on the line) "With the game on the line, yes [it was hard]. I really feel like we have a veteran quarterback in Kerry Collins. He's a terrific quarterback. Just watching him today I learned something else from the man. It's good to have a guy like that behind me to come in like he did and finish the game like he did."

(On if he is concerned about the performance of the offense over the last two weeks) "Not concerned at all. Not at all. Why should I be concerned? I really feel like we have a good team. We moved the ball pretty good. [From] the things you all saw out there, we moved the ball well. We just hurt ourselves sometimes and we have to eliminate those mistakes."

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